
Thursday, 12 January 2012

Kodes op sakke - Voeding vir die tuin

Daar is heelwat tuiniers wat steeds kopkrap oor die kodes van kunsmis op die sakke, bv. 2:3:2 of 3:1:5.  Watter een gebruik ek vir watter plante?  Hoe gaan ek weet ek gebruik die regte kode?  Wel hier is 'n maklike en oulike verduideliking wat ons graag met julle deel  (Sien ook ons maklike In en om die huis verduideliking op die prentjie hier bo):

"Here’s your guide to what all the numbers and letters mean.
The numbers in the formula on a bag of fertilizer refer to the proportions of N (nitrogen): P
(phosphate): K (potassium) the product contains. So, for example, 2:3:2 contains 2 parts nitrogen, 3
parts phosphate and 2 parts potassium.

Nitrogen (N)
Phosphate (P)
Potassium (K)
LAN is often used to promote healthy lawn development.
(Article by Stodels Nursery)

(NS:  LAN & KAN is dieselfde ding.  LAN is Engels en KAN is die Afrikaanse naam.)
stands for Limestone Ammonium Nitrate. It contains 28% nitrogen and limestone, which is used to correct overly acidic soils.
encourages the development of brightly coloured flowers and fruit. This explains why we feed roses and fruit trees with 3:1:5.
is vital for all round healthy growth and root development. The general garden fertilizer that can be used for all plants is 2:3:2, which is high in phosphate for general growth. South African soils tend to be low in phosphate, so this is an important element to add to your soil.
is important for healthy leaf development, which explains why gardeners are often advised to feed their lawns with 4:1:1.